Do you have some extra time on your hands and enjoy being around others in a busy environment or working independently on home-based projects? Are you easily motivated, proactive, helpful and friendly? We're always looking for friendly, dedicated, proactive and motivated people to join our group of family and friends to work at the event or at home to help make things run well. We also welcome comments that will help improve our quality of service in any area. Let us know if you want to help out at the event.

DUTIES: Most help is needed during the event to help set up Vendor spaces and check-in Vendors, set up, break down, and work in Entertainer’s dressing area and Event booth Areas, preparing and serving food plates and other items, custodial work recycling all trash, final clean up, and other work that may be needed.

Set up any area
Display signage

• Clean up and break down any area
• Retrieve signage

• Set up, display and maintain merchandise, drinks, and raffle items
• Sell merchandise and raffle tickets
• Check in Entertainers
• Provide information to visitors

• Set up stage area
• Set up Performer's booth
• Liaison between Entertainers, MC and P/A Technician

• Assign Vendor spaces
• Check in Vendors and direct them to their space

- Check here to download a Volunteer Application


- Check here to fill out a Volunteer Application online

- Check here to see a list of Volunteers from past events